Kim Ha-sung is a pie in the sky, why is he there… Lee Jung-hoo's Team Disappointment? Just Eat Again, MLB

Kim Ha-sung is a pie in the sky, why is he there… Lee Jung-hoo's Team Disappointment? Just Eat Again, MLB

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With less than a month left until the trade deadline of the Major League Baseball, 30 teams are engaged in a fierce war of nerves. The teams that will sell and buy players are generally identifying. There are also sales to be made from teams that will sell and positions that require teams to buy. Now is the time to play cards.

As was the case every year, the starting pitcher who will take responsibility for the last minute of the season and the postseason is in high demand. And among fielders, big bat with strong offense is still in high demand. On the other hand, many teams want shortstop position. As shown in the recent surge in shortstop prices in the free agent market, it is difficult to find a shortstop who is equipped with both ball and shortstop.

In the trade market, shortstop such as Kim Ha-sung (San Diego), Willy Adames (Milwick) and Bobissett (Toronto) are also mentioned as players who may be traded. Kim Ha-sung has already shown off his ability in defense, and he can play as a shortstop as well as a second baseman or third baseman, and his defense utilization itself is the best among the players for sale. The offense's batting average fell slightly this year, but on the contrary, as the number of walks increased, the offensive productivity itself remains at last year's level.

Kim Ha-sung's four-year contract with San Diego ends this year. If San Diego has no intention of catching Kim Ha-sung, or if it wants to catch Kim Ha-sung, but it is not financially possible, it is better to sell him at the trade deadline. That's because you'll get something. As for other teams, Kim Ha-sung is an attractive player. Since the contract ends this year, it doesn't interfere with the club's long-term plans, and the contract right now is very club-friendly.

Lee Jung-hoo's San Francisco Giants, which has been showing problems in shortstop position since Brandon Crawford's aging population, also needs to strengthen its shortstop position. San Francisco, which is vaguely at stake in this year's wild card race, is selected as a team that needs to be in the trade market to advance to the post season. Analysts say that since it invested heavily in the FA market this year, it will continue to run until the end. Players who are always mentioned in this regard were Kim Ha-sung or Adames.

However, this is not an easy task. The San Diego Padres and the San Francisco Giants belong to the National League Western Division. Chances are not high that they can trade in favor of each other in the same division. As San Diego Padres are highly likely to exchange cash named Kim Ha-sung and receive bills, immediate damage is inevitable. They should also consider boomerang. Chances are slim that they will seek a trade deal with the San Francisco Giants.

For other non-San Francisco teams, chances are high that Kim Ha-sung will become the pie in the sky. As of Tuesday (Korea time), San Diego posted 47 wins and 43 losses, ranking second in the National League West. The gap between the Los Angeles Dodgers (53 wins and 34 losses), the world's leading team, is as wide as 7.5 games. However, there is a wild card race.

In the wild card race, San Diego is second only to Atlanta (47-37). He has ample chance to advance to the post season. According to the statistics website FanGraph, San Diego has a chance to advance to the post season with around 60 percent of the time. If this happens, he will certainly not sell his core strength and continue to run until the end. Rather, he has a greater chance of becoming a buyer in the transfer market. 토토사이트

Adames, who is similar to Kim Ha-sung in that he will be eligible for FA at the end of this season, is also likely not to sell Adames in preparation for a big game as his team Milwaukee ranks first in the National League Central. With both Kim Ha-sung and Adames tied up, who will be the biggest fish in the shortstop market deserves to be a topic of conversation in the remaining month.

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